GT Trend Report: Military
In the last three decades the bases of geopolitical power have moved beyond military might towards economic strength, resource access and knowledge.The nature of warfare is also shifting towards non-conventional means, whether terrorist groups or cyber-wars. However, the role of the military may become more important again on the global stage as the tensions of globalization and fragmentation continue in society. Expect, too, to see security forces increasingly involved in non-military situations including national disasters, civil activism and managing resource-based tensions. The big challenge for many nations will, however, be what can we afford?
Beyond Military Might
In the last three decades the bases of geopolitical power have moved beyond military might towards economic strength, resource access and knowledge. The nature of warfare has also undergone a seismic shift towards insurgency-based terrorism and ethnic conflicts within regions or countries. However, the last 10 years have seen a resurgence of cross-border tensions and conflicts involving actual, e.g. Iraq, or threatened military action, e.g. Iran. Looking forward, the US will remain the world’s greatest military power, but Russia will also have an active military in support of its ambitions to maintain its sphere of influence in former Soviet states, while Chinese military spending is increasing and the size of India’s forces are also substantial. As tensions potentially increase over resource scarcity and territorial disputes, the military will continue to have substantial influence.
Questions for business leaders:
How will changes in the security landscape, and the evolving role of military forces, impact your business? What are the critical areas, if any, for which you depend on the military to safeguard domestic and international peace and stability?
What might be the potential impacts of cyber-warfare on your business – directly, and indirectly through the resources you use and your channels to market?
- With geopolitical shifts in power, militarily and otherwise, how might your trading and operating environment become more complex in future? With what possible impacts on your business, e.g. In terms of the resources and capabilities you require?
Explore the GT Trend Report: Military to find analysis and food for thought on the emerging military and security landscape to help you and your team address these questions. -
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