Beyond Philanthropy and Propaganda: Making the Most of Corporate Social Responsibility

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Too often executives have viewed corporate social responsibility (CSR) as just another source of pressure or passing fad. But as customers, employees, suppliers—and indeed, society more broadly—place increasing importance on CSR, some leaders have started to look at it as a creative opportunity to fundamentally strengthen their businesses while contributing to society at the same time. They view CSR as central to their overall strategies, helping them to creatively address key business issues.

Making the Most of Corporate Social Responsibility: Continuing the Conversation

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Many thanks to those who read and considered the ideas in our article “Making the most of corporate social responsibility”—and particularly to those who shared their thoughts and experiences on smart partnering. As many rightly pointed out, there has been a groundswell of interest in CSR, as well as a growing number of powerful examples of smart partnering. This momentum reflects an improved understanding of the potential benefits to companies and the increasing maturity of social organizations. Both see the potential for mutually creating value.
