Ahead of the Paris summit on climate change, our latest briefing offers a reality check on the climate situation, a look at the opportunities and influencers and some examples of organizations taking on the challenge.
Around the world the weather is getting more unpredictable. Temperatures are reaching record highs, as are sea levels. 2014 was the 31st straight year of glacier ice loss worldwide. Today, we are using around 50% more renewable resources and land than the planet can generate. By 2030 the annual rate will be 2 times, and by 2050 we will need the equivalent of 2.8 planets, as the population increases along with per capita consumption. Clearly such consumption is not sustainable and resulting changes in our natural environment will present significant challenges for future generations. Check out our curated articles on the subject: |
Expect more debate and calls for responsible environmental and social behavior – those that are listening and have the power to influence will be taking action at multiple levels in society and business. The number of people wanting to shape the climate change debate is growing rapidly – it’s no longer a topic for only those invited to formal discussions. The crowd, whether local politicians, scientists or concerned individuals, now has a voice that will continue to grow. Check out our curated articles on the subject: |
Innovation in sustainable technologies and practices is booming. These are reshaping energy generation and storage to diminish the world’s reliance on fossil fuels, as well as how we consume. However, more sustainable practices that would reduce climate change and environmental damage are still often seen as more of a cost than an advantage. Mindsets and behaviors are slowly changing among individuals, businesses and governments but when will we really start to do enough to tackle the challenge? Check out our curated articles on the subject:
WHAT’S WASTE GOT TO DO WITH IT Global waste has increased ten-fold in the last century. ‘Make, use, and throw away’ has become the mindset of today’s generations. Again though, current levels of consumption and waste generation are not sustainable in the long term. As we fill up, in many cases already overflowing landfills the environment is suffering. Waste-driven environmental hazards are becoming a huge headache for many countries as toxic leakages from landfills and plastic in oceans and rivers damage – if not destroy – the world’s ecosystems. Check out our curated articles on the subject:
Every year tough climate negotiations take place. Promises and plans are being made. However, promises and plans do not always add up or get acted upon – combatting the world’s climate changes seems to be a never-ending story of words without real commitment. Preparation for the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris has been going on for months. In Bonn, Germany, delegates from about 200 countries have been working to develop a draft text for the final climate deal to be negotiated in Paris late this year. Will it be a different story this time? Check out our curated articles on the subject: |
CLIMATE CHANGE: FROM STRATEGIC INSPIRATION TO ACTION The challenges of global climate change are a shared responsibility between societies, governments, businesses, individuals and other stakeholders and addressing them can seem overwhelming. But that is no reason for inaction. The organizations and communities highlighted in the articles below – and many more around the world – have taken positive steps towards helping reduce the impact of climate change and environmental damage both alone and in cooperation with other stakeholders. What can your organization learn, borrow or build on to make your contribution?
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