The city embraces visitors with a blanket of smells, from the most wonderful scents of herbs and spices and flowers from street vendors, to the horrific stink of the sewers
The city embraces visitors with a blanket of smells, from the most wonderful scents of herbs and spices and flowers from street vendors, to the horrific stink of the sewers
Continue‘Onward Singapore’ says the national anthem, and judging from the view from my balcony, it’s going also upwards and sometimes sideways. It’s hard to keep up with the speed at
ContinueIt happened again. A domestic helper in our neighborhood here in Singapore, an Indonesian woman, asked the helper next door for food and clothes. Your occasional correspondent is trying to
ContinueIt is a well-guarded compound with a high, whitewashed wall facing the street. Access is restricted to a solid, metal-framed sliding gate, and only a small peephole allows the guards
ContinueOne egg after the other into the frying pan, but then straight into the bin. The white is watery and the yolk flat; they are not fit for human consumption,
ContinueMalaysia is a fascinating country, with its variety of natural scenery, architecture and people. The contrast of urban sprawl along meandering highways cuts through the stunning greenery as massive constructions
ContinueWe are sitting on a local bus on the lovely tropical island of Penang in Malaysia, longing for the charms of its main city, Georgetown. The old part of town
ContinueMy time in Asia over the past decade has been dotted with epidemics and epidemic scares. These have mainly involved different varieties of the ‘flu, but also other less deadly
ContinueMany thanks to former UN colleagues Todd Smith and Odkhoi Bold for your up-to-date perspectives from Mongolia! I will never forget what economist Jeffrey Sachs said in 2002 about Mongolia’s
ContinueThe winds of reform are blowing in Asia at the moment. Or so it seems when one reads the headlines. Are the loosening of the authoritarian regime in Burma (sometimes